General Dentistry Services Tailored to Every Generation

Welcome to Dentistry 32, a family-friendly dental practice located at 32 Lower Portrush Road, Marden SA 5070 with general dentistry.

At Dentistry 32, we warmly welcome patients of all ages, prioritizing exceptional dental care for families at dental practice. As a private dental clinic, we specialize in providing customized treatments that address individual health needs while remaining flexible to adjust treatment plans as necessary. Our dedication to staying abreast of the latest developments in dentistry underscores our commitment to delivering top-tier care. With DR LIMA‘s continuous focus on education and training, we are well-equipped to ensure that each member of your family enjoys a bright, healthy smile.

Preventive General Dentistry Services

Our main goal is to help you prevent common dental issues. Therefore, we consider preventive strategies and patient education as vital components of our practice. Collaborating closely with our patients, we strive to understand their health goals to help them achieve beautiful smiles. Our preventive dental services encompass:

  • – Establishing effective home care routines
  • – Conducting regular dental check-ups
  • – Providing professional cleaning services
  • – Performing X-rays
  • – Administering fluoride applications
  • – Applying sealants
  • – Offering sports mouth guards and night guards

Despite diligent preventive measures, dental problems may still occur. However, by attending regular dental check-ups and undergoing X-rays, we can detect issues early, when solutions are simpler, and before discomfort escalates into a dental emergency. We prioritize trust, recognizing each person’s unique needs and always ensuring transparent communication about treatment decisions, which ultimately remain under your control.

Tooth-Colored Solutions for Enhanced Smiles

Although teeth are resilient, they can sustain damage from everyday activities like eating, decay, or accidents. For the more adventurous individuals, sports or other activities can sometimes result in a broken tooth. At Dentistry 32, our focus is on preserving natural teeth whenever feasible, as it often represents the healthier and more cost-effective choice. Restorative dentistry is aimed at restoring both the function and appearance of your teeth. Our restorative options encompass fillings, crowns, bonding, inlays and onlays, and veneers.

Extractions and Diverse Tooth-Replacement Choices

The extraction of a tooth is considered a last resort by our team. However, when this becomes necessary, we present a range of alternatives for restoring your smile, including:

  • Dental implants
  • – Dental bridges
  • – Partial dentures
  • – Complete dentures
  • – Implant dentures

Aligned with our comprehensive oral health care philosophy, we provide detailed discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of each tooth-replacement procedure, the associated costs, and the expected timeline. This ensures that you have all the information needed to make an informed decision.

Family Appointments for Added Convenience

We offer the convenience of scheduling multiple appointments for your entire family, optimizing your time spent with us. The entire team at Dentistry 32 is dedicated to ensuring that your dental visit is not only comfortable and convenient but also enjoyable!
