Dental Inlays and Onlays: Durable, Natural, Efficient


Why might I need a dental inlay or onlay?

At Dentistry 32, under the guidance of DR LIMA, our focus is on preventive strategies and promoting good dental hygiene. Taking care of your smile should always be a top priority. Cavities, often caused by inadequate cleaning and maintenance, are common issues faced by our patients.


When might a dental inlay or onlay be necessary? If:


  • Your tooth is decayed or damaged.

  • The size of your cavity or decay requires a large filling that could destabilize the remaining tooth.

  • Your tooth is not able to support a dental crown.


In such situations, we may suggest a dental inlay or onlay.


Dental inlays, onlays, and fillings are methods used to rejuvenate your smile and prevent further tooth decay. The decision on which option to choose depends on our evaluation during your consultation with DR LIMA.


Dental onlays and inlays are also referred to as indirect fillings by dental professionals. These are custom-made in a dental laboratory and typically require multiple visits for placement.


What do dental inlays and onlays consist of and how do they differ?

Our patients often ask about the difference between dental inlays and onlays.


A dental inlay is a customized filling placed into the grooves of the tooth, but it does not cover the cusps of the tooth.


Inlays can be crafted from various materials such as porcelain, ceramic, composite resin, or even gold – their cost and suitability vary among patients. At Dentistry 32, we often use inlays that match the natural color of your tooth, ensuring a nearly seamless dental restoration.


A dental onlay, similar to a dental inlay, is used for restoration when the chewing surface (or cusps) of the tooth is extensively damaged. A dental onlay, like inlays, covers the cusps of the tooth.


At Dentistry 32, we view dental inlays and onlays as more durable options compared to traditional fillings or when a dental crown is not recommended. We offer a range of dental onlays – porcelain, ceramic, composite resin, and gold onlays, ensuring that your tooth can function naturally.


What happens during the process of receiving dental inlays or onlays?

At Dentistry 32, we aim to make sure you are comfortable with your decision for any dental procedure with us. After consultation, when you opt for a dental inlay or onlay, we will schedule a series of appointments for the procedure.


During the initial appointment, our skilled dentist, DR LIMA, will remove decay or an old filling using a dental drill. After thoroughly cleaning out the decay, an impression of your tooth (either digitally or using a pliable cement) is taken and sent to a dental laboratory to create your custom-made inlay or onlay. Before leaving, a temporary filling will be placed on your tooth to secure it until your permanent restoration is ready.


Your custom-made inlay or onlay will arrive at Dentistry 32 within a few weeks as a single piece.


On your next visit, your permanent inlay or onlay will be attached to your tooth using a strong dental adhesive. After the visit, your smile will be fully restored, with your inlay or onlay securely in place.


How should I care for my inlay or onlay?

Our goal at Dentistry 32 is to preserve as much of your natural tooth as possible and maintain your beautiful smile. The inlays and onlays we provide are sturdy, long-lasting, and require the same care as your natural teeth. Regular and thorough brushing and flossing along with routine visits can help ensure that your inlays and onlays endure over time. Just remember to give your teeth some TLC, and they will thank you!


Services offered by the text owner may include Dental Inlays and Onlays.
